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Post Care Instructions

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Eyebrow Aftercare

Wiping with wet cotton rounds and washing is essential to prevent thick scabs! Thick scabs = poor retention!


Day of Procedure- Cleanse the skin every 30-60 minutes for the first 6 hours using wipes provided by Becca or clean bottled water and cotton rounds.


After 6 hours have passed, wash your eyebrows using your fingertips with soap and water. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Do not apply ointment until your eyebrows feel tight or dry. This is typically the next day.


Day 1-10 or (until scabs/flakes are gone and eyebrows are healed, some may take longer then 10 days): Wash gently 1 time per day using hands and cleanser provided approximately 10 seconds. (If you lose the cleanser, Dial Gold from a drugstore will work) Apply ointment VERY THIN 2 times daily as long as the skin is still scabbed/flakey, and even after. The ointment helps the skin to regenerate faster and better.


  • Avoid water (for the PMU area) no sweating, saunas, lakes, pools, oceans, or tanning. You may shower and wash your hair. Do not stand with your brows directly in the shower stream.

  • Please wear a hat if you are outdoors.

  • Do not pick or peel any scabs this can cause scarring and remove pigment.

  • Do not brush your eyebrows.

  • Do not use any ointments other than those provided.

  • One month following the procedure do not use anything containing acids around the eyebrows.

  • DO NOT go in the sun or tan for a minimum of 3 weeks after your appointment.

  • Peeling typically takes place days 5-9, if you peel sooner than this wash only one time per day at night. Premature peeling will also result in poor retention.

  • Do NOT over apply ointment a thick layer will suffocate the skin, delay healing and can cause chunks or patches to peel off. Under applying can also cause cracking and peeling prematurely. If you feel you are over or under applying, please text Becca.

  • Everyone’s skin has its own healing process and duration.

  • Touch up will be scheduled 8-12 weeks after your appointment to ensure the skin is fully healed.

  • Please be advised brows are a two-session process. Occasionally someone will require a third session to obtain the results they desire. Days 6-15 are usually the lightest and could be slightly pink until the color blooms around day 30 some longer. Do not panic, everyone heals differently and we adjust accordingly at your touch up.


Eyeliner Aftercare

Day of the Procedure- do not touch the eyes. You may ice the eyes by applying ice over a clean cloth.

•           You may wash before bed with a gentle soap or cleanser. After washing allow to dry do not apply ointment until they feel tight and dry.

•           Your eyes may be swollen the day after the procedure. This is a normal reaction; some clients swell more than others. Swelling should start going down and your eyes should be looking better by the end of the second day.

•           If the skin feels dry you may apply a thin layer ointment only to the crease or lid. Wash your hands before applying any ointment. Do not apply too much as it can cause adverse reactions such as swelling. You may do this as needed throughout your healing to keep eyeliner from becoming too dry and flaking off.


During Days 1-7+

  • Wash PM and allow to dry 10 minutes before applying Ointment. Apply ointment 1-2x per day.

  • Avoid water (for the PMU area) no sweating, saunas, lakes, pools, oceans or tanning. Do not stand with your brows directly in the shower stream.

  • Please wear a hat and sunglasses if you are outdoors.

  • Do not pick or peel any scabs or flakes this can cause scarring and remove pigment.

  • Do not use any ointments other than those listed above.

  • Do not use eyelash serums for a minimum of 8-12 weeks after the procedure.

  • When you begin wearing mascara, start with a new tube.

  • Touch up is scheduled 8-10 weeks after your appointment to ensure the skin is fully healed.


Lip Aftercare

  • Keep applying Aquaphor or ointment as needed, meaning as soon as the lips start to feel dry. Lips can bruise after the procedure. If bruising occurs, it usually goes away within 24 hours. The lips may still be swollen, please do not ice them. Always keep lips moist, do not let them become dry.

  • Wash your lips 1-2 times daily very gently.

  • Apply ointment if the skin is still scabbed and after. The ointment helps the skin to regenerate faster and better.

  • Avoid water (for the PMU area)- no sweating, saunas, lakes, pools, oceans or tanning. Please wear a hat if you are outdoors.

  • Avoid sun exposure to lips for 30 days. After these 30 days continue to use an spf 30-50 lip balm when outdoors.

  • Do not pick or peel any scabs this can cause scarring and remove pigment.

  • Do not use any ointments other than those listed above.

  • Avoid salty foods or soups during healing.

  • One month following the procedure do not use anything containing acids around the lips.

  • Be cautious when brushing teeth not to get toothpaste on the lips.

  • Lips can appear healed in a few days for some however they are not, please be mindful of this.

  • Everyone’s skin has its own healing process and duration. Lips will peel anywhere from day 2-7 then you will notice clear skin peeling. This will stop then the color will look light. Sometimes lips take 6 weeks for the color to fully return.

  • Touch up will be scheduled 8-10 weeks after your appointment to ensure the skin is fully healed. If you develop a cold sore touch up will be 10 weeks after.


COLD SORES: will most likely pop-up days 3-5 for individuals with hsv-1. You MUST pretreat and follow your doctor’s orders. You may text us your full name, date of birth and pharmacy phone number for my Tulsa overseeing physician.


If you have never had a cold sore L-Lysine is a natural remedy to prevent them if taken 1-2 weeks pre and post procedure. It is possible for someone who has never had an outbreak to still have the virus.

The trauma caused will trigger the response of cold sores for these individuals.



Areola Aftercare Areola Aftercare

  • Expect some redness and tenderness for 48-72 hours

  • Do not remove the film applied by Becca for 1 week. If the film lifts, remove the film and wash the area with antibacterial soap. Pat dry then allow to dry 10 minutes before replacing the film with a new one.

  • For 2 weeks avoid:

  • Tanning, pools, lakes, baths, hot tubs, harsh soaps, aloe products, lotions, picking, touching, and sweating.

  • Use ointment or grapeseed oil for 1 week after the film is removed..

  • The final color cannot be judged until 4-6 weeks. Some will require a second session. Areas with scar tissue may puff during treatment but will go down.



All Procedures

 If infection or reaction occurs seek medical attention and contact Becca.


After all appointments, please note the final result cannot be judged until a minimum of 4 weeks. Even though most people appear to be healed on day 10, the pigment is covered by new skin and will not fully show up until the thick layer of new skin is not covering the pigment. This process usually takes 4+ weeks. Do not panic, they are not gone it is just part of the healing process. It is normal to have some patchiness after your first appointment which is why the touch up appointment is necessary. All skin heals different and following proper aftercare is needed.


Results are not guaranteed. Some people will need more than two sessions to get the results they desire. *These additional sessions are not included and will be charged the regular touch up price.


After healing it is necessary to maintain your results with a daily sunscreen. Fading will depend on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, acids used, peels, etc.


If you have extremely oily or sun damaged, skin microblading or hair strokes will not work well for you. It will heal with a diffused softer look it can also heal ashy. Please feel free to contact me at ant point during your healing process if questions arise.


Most people will return for annual touch ups after 1-3 years. After 36 months, it is considered a new procedure.


All services are nonrefundable.

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